Sunday, April 22, 2012

Some tidbits.

First off, we were 45 minutes late to church.  Yah.  And it was interesting.  Glad to see everyone and introduce Em, but I'm not sure we were quite ready for that yet!  By the end, the girls got into a physical standoff, again, and we just sat the rest out in the hall.  I will say that Emerysn was still super friendly...maybe a little too friendly.  She randomly hugged several kids her age and kissed them...on the lips.  Some of the parents I knew, some not.  So that was nice. :)

But oppa, appa and omma all got popo's on the lips tonight before bed!  First ones!

Communication...not really speaking any English, though today she said 'no' a couple times.  That's one word I'd like her to get to know, as so far, even in Korean, girlfriend just kinda ignores it!  She gets her point across though and is super patient about it.  She'll point out what she wants or needs or take us by the hand and physically show us.  Still responding well to all the Korean phrases I use with her and will shake her head yes or no when I ask her questions that way.  It actually surprises me how patient she is about if she totally gets we speak a different language and we just need her to explain better.  

Sleep continues to go well including naps.  She is still one crazy sleeper though and I'm watching her on the monitor right now half on the pallet and half off.  She moves around a lot all night long.  Our goal is to get her in her own room in her own bed, but I'm still not convinced she wouldn't hit walls all night and fall out of bed!

Going to take a trip to the Korean market tomorrow as we are all out of Em's favorite goodies.  Namely the toasted seaweed she eats at almost every meal.  I put a bowl of rice in front of her today and she was like, 'what the heck is this'?!?!  Usually, I wrap the seaweed around her rice and she eats it like that!  Still packs her cheeks full of spam, trying to find another alternative for protein, if you can call spam a protein. Not a fan of too much else!

When we first accepted Emersyn's referral, amongst other things, I was concerned about her age.  At that time, they were quoting a 4-6 month wait to travel (ha!) and I discussed with my husband in length about how comfortable we were with bringing 13-15 month old into our family and how different it would be than when 9 month old Zoey came home.  Turn that wait into 11 months and bringing home a 21 month old...I just wouldn't change it for the world.  She is a perfect fit for our family and I love her age!  I've become a mother at three different stages.  I've had a newborn, a baby and a toddler...and while we are pretty sure our family is complete, while I have loved each stage, I would actually choose the toddler age again in a heartbeat. :)

I wish I had pics to share of the girls wearing the cutest matching dresses today, but already being 45 minutes late this morning, then the dresses having evidence of every snack they ate at church today, I didn't quite get to it!

All in all, things continue to go well.  But talk to me tomorrow as Danny heads back to work...

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